Light up Zurich with your dreams

31.12.2023 - 02.01.2024

The people of Zurich have sent us their dreams for the new year. Selected dreams are visually realized by local artists in December and transform Zurich's city centre into a glowing work of art ion between the years.

When can you experience the projections?

31.12.2023 - 5:00 pm to 3:00 am

Experience the lightshow plus a countdown to the New Year at Grossmünster and the Opera House and traditional fireworks

01.01.2024 - 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm

02.01.2024 - 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Explore the dreams:

Zürich Opera House

The multi-award-winning cultural institution on Sechseläutenplatz is one of Zurich's most famous landmarks. For LiechtTräum, light artist Daniel Margraf intepreted the dream of "world peace". His interpretation will be projected onto the iconic building from December 31st through January 2nd 2024.

Show location


The Grossmünster church is a landmark of Zurich. Legend has it that the church was built on the graves of the city’s patron saints, Felix and Regula. For LiechtTräum, Zurich artist Oibel1 will project his interpretation of the dream "more solidarity" onto the church.

Show location

St. Peter

The St. Peter church in Zurich has the largest church clock face in Europe. On New Year's Day, a work by Maja Hürst on the subject of "gratitude" lights up the church.

Show location


The Fraumünster and Grossmünster churches are landmarks of Zurich. The convent once held great power in Zurich. For LiechtTräum, the NGO "Cup of Color" is projecting the dream of "more tolerance & acceptance" on the well-known church.

Show location


The Stadthaus Zurich (town hall) is located on the left banks of the River Limmat, right alongside the Fraumünster church. On this building, the NGO "Cup of Color" is showing a projection on the topic of "climate protection".

Show location

Stadthausquai 1

Built between 1887 and 1889, this building is an integral part of Zurich's cityscape. Over the New Year period, you can discover a light projection by Sophie le Meillour intepreting the topic of "a city without cars".

Show location

Participating artists

Samora Bazarrabusa «Oibel1» - Grossmünster

Samora Bazarrabusa is a true Zurich native. Born and raised in the city, he started out as a sprayer over 20 years ago and now works as a visual artist in various media.

Oibel’s artworks are characterized by strong lines, figurative shapes, bright and vibrant colors, which has a strong effect on the viewer.

With his art, Oibel wants to stimulate positivity and constructive, but also critical thinking about himself and the environment. He draws inspiration from all kinds of cultures, nature, society, graffiti and art in general, focusing on ideas such as love, life, consciousness and the abstraction of being.


For LiechtTräum, Oibel1 interprets the desire for more "togetherness"

31.12.2023: "Celebration"

Together we celebrate life by consciously thinking positively. With shared laughter and positive energy, we can achieve anything. Our collective strength and zest for life create an atmosphere that empowers us to overcome challenges and share successes. In community lies the power to enjoy life to the fullest and live through ups and downs together.


01.01.2024: "Everybody"

Cohesion knows no boundaries, no matter where you come from or what color your skin is. Our community is about being there for each other and showing strength through diversity. It doesn't matter which path you've taken - we stand together, united in our diversity, to build a strong and diverse future together.


02.01.2024 "Come together"

Together we come together to find solutions. In unity and cohesion, we stand resolutely for a cause. We strengthen each other and spread love to bring about positive change. Because in acting together lies the power to make the world a better place.

Maja Hürst - St. Peter

Maja Hürst became known for her large murals and smaller works in public spaces. Today, Hürst's works can be found on buildings all over the world and in exhibitions and collections.

Born in Zurich, Maja Hürst grew up in Cairo and Cologne. Since the end of the 90s, Hürst has lived in Zurich and Berlin. After several years of searching for her style, Hürst has been successfully expanding the visual universe TIKA since 2003, which uses geometric forms to explore the essence of figurative abstraction. Hürst is keen to experiment and consistently adapts his unmistakable visual language to countless techniques and materials.

In terms of content, the themes are as multifaceted as Hürst's interests. Everyday cultural issues are catalyzed with global world events and historical-mythological themes.


For LiechtTräum, Maja Hürst interprets the desire for more "gratitude":


31.12.2023: "Hands with a bouquet of flowers"

This creative concept focuses on the expression of gratitude, symbolized by the presentation of bouquets of flowers. Lined up hands express gratitude in a loving way and embody a gesture of appreciation and respect. Two hands arranging a bouquet of flowers together, with the fingertips unfolding into delicate blossoms. The dials of the hands become the petals, forming an attractive bouquet in harmonious unity. This symbolic representation connects time with the beauty of the garden and emphasizes the idea that something beautiful and meaningful can be created through joint efforts.

01.01.2024 and 02.01.2024: "Moth"

An inconspicuous yet beautiful insect. The New Year marks a time of reflection for many. A metaphorical representation of the soul's journey through life and the changes it undergoes, the butterfly comes to rest with its wings closed.This artwork is not only visually appealing, but also carries a deep symbolism that encourages viewers to reflect on the past stages of life and prepare for changes to come.

Sophie le Meillour - Stadthausquai 1

Sophie Le Meillour is an independent visual transmedia artist. Born in Toulouse in 1988, she has lived and worked in Geneva since 2009. A graduate in visual communication, Sophie explores the different levels of our aesthetic perception of the living world, collecting images here and on her travels, which she then transforms into original visual experiences. Digital art and textures inspired by nature are at the center of her universe.

Sophie has performed with her video projection in many countries, including Ecuador, Chile, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Turkey, the Netherlands, Kenya, Tanzania and the USA.
Sophie has been a member of the ATRAP collective since 2018 and combines mural painting with projection mapping. The visual artist now gives workshops on mapping software and Vjing at various media design schools. In 2020, she is one of the members of the Mapping Festival in Geneva.


Sophie le Meillour interprets the desire for a "car-free Zurich" for LiechtTräum:


31.12.2023: "Fresh air":

The basic idea is to create a composition of several images on the façade. The key words for this concept are clean and fresh air, no pollution, a clear sky, serenity and healthy molecules. To realize this idea, a series of photographs with blue pigment is carried out. The focus is on the visual representation of pure and healthy space through photography.

01.01.2024: "More space for pedestrians":

The concept is to illuminate part of the façade to reveal the volume. This creates an interplay between light and shadow that represents the space for pedestrians. The key words for this idea are organic, breathing space, magic stars. The technical realization takes place through drawings on a graphic panel.

02.01.2024: "Zurich from the Sky":

The concept aims to depict Zurich from a bird's eye view. Key words for this concept are the blue city, the green city, the unveiling of parks and waters, a healthy place, a colorful texture and keeping the black mask on the windows to reveal the facade. The focus is on presenting the city in all its facets and colors from above.

CUP OF COLOR - Fraumünster

With its large-scale works of art, the NGO „Cup of Color“ conveys hope for change worldwide. Together with communities in Myanmar, Chad, Romania, etc., artists paint on site, usually on the walls of houses. In this collaborative creation process, people are able to express themselves, find their voice again and encourage each other.

Today, the team has grown to around 12 active members and a larger network of specialists. In addition to the mural projects, they have designed international exhibitions, initiated a global illustration project with 160 artists and painted various children’s rooms. They have always experienced the positive impact of participating in public art in these communities.


For LiechtTräum, CUP OF COLOR interprets the desire for more "acceptance & tolerance":

31.12.2023: "Together We Carry"

The open umbrella serves as a symbolic gesture, inviting hearts to listen and fostering an environment of understanding. It’s a simple symbol that people living in Switzerland, especially in the colder seasons, can relate to. With whom would you share an umbrella? This intimate space of protection? It goes beyond mere protection from sun, wind, and rain, becoming a shelter where individuals cover and support each other. The presence of multiple handles suggests a shared responsibility, encouraging people to carry the burdens together and stand side by side, fostering unity and closeness.

01.01.2024: Loving Gestures"

Isn't it the small gestures in our daily lives that make the big difference to the whole day? It doesn't have to be complicated. Just smile. Give someone a smile the next time you're riding a tram, bus or train, even in the moment of waiting in a supermarket. The human smile is first and foremost an expression of joy, friendliness and gratitude. People who smile at us usually cause us no harm. And a beautiful smile is contagious and inviting. 

02.01.2024: "The Weaving Hands"

Caring hands are like gardeners, carefully weaving together plants with lots of love. These hands are open to hearing different opinions, ideas, and ways of living. They make space for everyone’s voice, and through this process, hearts can blossom and feel warm. The threads coming from the plants represent different people we meet in our lives. When these threads are woven together, a rope is created that is stronger than one alone and stands for cohesion in society when we stand together. 

CUP OF COLOR - Stadthaus

With its large-scale works of art, the NGO „Cup of Color“ conveys hope for change worldwide. Together with communities in Myanmar, Chad, Romania, etc., artists paint on site, usually on the walls of houses. In this collaborative creation process, people are able to express themselves, find their voice again and encourage each other.

Today, the team has grown to around 12 active members and a larger network of specialists. In addition to the mural projects, they have designed international exhibitions, initiated a global illustration project with 160 artists and painted various children’s rooms. They have always experienced the positive impact of participating in public art in these communities.


For LiechtTräum, CUP OF COLOR interprets the desire for more "climate protection":


31.12.2023: „Dear My Deer‘‘ 

Inspired by the myth of "Hildegard and Bertha", where a majestic deer provides direction, the artwork gives stage to a deer. The hand is holding nature up in the center in order to remind us to take care. A rabbit in the picture stands for fertility and the ability to change direction quickly. A bird in the scene suggests shouting from the rooftop, urging us to look at things in a new way. Delving deeper, the artwork prompts contemplation on water—essential for life and a metaphor for our investments. It raises questions: Where do we direct our metaphorical “water”? Where do we choose to nourish and sustain life? The water also points to the nearby Limmat, connecting our artwork to the surrounding environment.

01.01.2024: ,,Garden City‘‘

In this image, the reclaiming of the city by nature serves as a powerful visual reminder of the importance of biodiversity. A garden flourishing over the Stadthaus becomes a haven for a diverse array of animals, showcasing the intricate interdependence of various species in creating a thriving and balanced ecosystem. Biodiversity is crucial for a healthy and resilient environment as it ensures a variety of plant and animal species, contributing to ecosystem stability. It's a cornerstone in climate protection efforts. 

02.01.2024:  ,,Schneeleopard‘‘

Meet the snow leopard, ranking among the 10 most endangered animals globally. Sometimes, the distance between us and this majestic creature mirrors our perception of the climate crisis – something seemingly far away or detached from our daily lives. To bridge this gap, let’s bring this wildcat closer, allowing its roar to resonate within us. The leopard’s distinctive spots, resembling vigilant eyes, serve as a powerful symbol urging us to keep our own eyes open. A reminder that in the face of environmental challenges, we must not turn a blind eye but stay vigilant and aware.

Daniel Margraf "Spreefunkeln" - Opernhaus

Daniel Margraf has specialized in light art and analogue slide projection in his work. He creates atmospheres with flair and sensitivity. His works transform houses and rooms and familiar places can be experienced in a completely new way.

Through his expressive light images, he creates a space in which people can immerse themselves and at the same time slow down, come to rest and become discoverers. Each of his works is unique and is created especially for the given occasion. A unique work of light art is created to suit the location and its conditions, which reinterprets its surroundings, such as the building architecture, the landscape or the space.


Daniel Margraf interprets the wish for "world peace" for LiechtTräum:


31.12.2023: "Peace Symbols"

In this projection, traditional peace symbols unite to form a harmonious whole. The dove, the olive branch, the peace sign, the paper crane, the broken rifle, the Pax Cultural symbol and the rainbow flag merge into an expression of universal peace values. Each element contributes its own symbolic meaning, and together they create a powerful visual narrative for peace.

01.01.2024: "Dreamworld":

Welcome to a surreal dream world, a playful fantasy land of harmony where rainbows glow and love is in the air. Here we encounter magical unicorns and diverse, colorful fantasy creatures. This place transcends the boundaries of reality, brings dreams to life and conveys a magical atmosphere of fantasy and joy.

02.01.2024: "Future":

In the distant future, where the world returns to a self-regulating balance without human intervention. The opera façade, once overgrown by nature, becomes a symbol of the return to a lush natural landscape. Here, wild nature blossoms and creates real world peace. Immerse yourself in forest bathing to find peace, tranquillity and balance. The atmosphere of the forest has a healing effect, and the jungle of thoughts is transformed into an oasis of peace by the overgrown opera façade.

What's your New Year's dream for Zurich?

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